About Me

Hi there!

My name is Amanda and I have just started a Photography Course with the OCA (http://www.oca-uk.com/).
This blog will serve as my learning log for the first course in the Photography BA(hons) degree, 'The Art of Photography'.

I have enjoyed taking photos for many years. I was always the one in school who constantly had a camera (much to my friends annoyance) and have only really developed my hobby in the past few years. I started photographing landscapes mainly, and then a friend asked my to take some potential model portfolio shots of him. Up until this point, I took all my photos on my camera phone, yes you heard right, my camera phone! A sony ericsson C902 cybershot. And yes, I am still really proud of that fact, I've used some of the photos I took with that phone in some of the exercises.
I then progressed to a Fujifilm finepix s1500 compact camera, which I still use today. As well as my brand new Canon EOS 1000D, which I had for christmas.

I absolutely love black and white photography. You may notice that some of my work is in black and white. I just love the simplicity of it and the fact that the lack of colour can really calm the image.
My favourite photographer is Michael Kenna. This man is an amazing photographer and you will find a link to his website in my Photographers box. He can produce a striking landscape without any colour whatsoever and I find that completely awesome.

Oh and if you are wondering why my photos are watermarked with AlCallow, that is my maiden name and what I started labelling my work as. I didn't feel the need to change it.
Anyway, that's a little bit of background info. Enjoy my blog.
