Thursday 25 August 2011

TAOP - Contrast and shadow fill.

Outline: Using a still life arrangement, take a series of photographs.
  1. first photo without a diffuser
  2. second with a diffuser
  3. one with white card a meter away to the side
  4. one with the card half the distance away
  5. one with foil dull side out over the card
  6. turn the foil around for the next one
  7. crumple foil then smooth it out, then place back on card shiny side out for one
Place images in order of contrast and compare the results.

I set up my soft box again, with a single lamp to the left of the subject. The camera was on a tripod directly infront of the subject and the camera settings were:
WB Auto
ISO 200
SS ranged from 1/8 to 0"6

naked lamp
lamp with diffuser

white card 1 meter away

half a meter foil crumpled shiny side

half a meter foil shiny side

half a meter foil dull side

white card half a meter away


Conclusion: This was an interesting exercise. The naked lamp image is definitely the most contrasty. The images with the foil seem to be the best images. The shadows are more controlled and there is still light on the subject. I think the foil shiny side out is the best image overall. The light being reflected off the foil has toned down the shadow on the right side of the subject and allowed the detailing on the right flower to be seen, which it almost is not in all the other images. The final two with the dull side of the foil and the white card are great for removing the light bouncing off the subject but there is very little shadow on the subject at all.

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