Thursday 10 February 2011

Open College Of The Arts.

Well, here i am. My first blog.
I've enrolled on the BA (hons) Photography course at the Open College of the Arts and my course material for my first module arrived last Friday. I can honestly say that i was rather excited to get started and did so right away.
I've always loved photography. I was always the kid in school who always had a camera in her hand, much to my friends annoyance. It's only the past couple of years that I've really taken an active interest and have been constantly nagged to do something productive with it by my family and friends. I didn't go to university when i was younger so i have looked into different courses i could do and took the plunge. I'm happy to be doing something i love and knowing that i am now doing it to work towards something.

I hope this course will teach me the technical aspect of photography. Having an 'eye' for it is great, but it helps to know what you're doing. I have a brand new digital SLR camera but i have no idea what most of it's features are for. I'm looking forward to not only learning this but also putting it into (a lot of) practice.

Right then, lets get started....

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