Monday 14 February 2011

TAOP Fitting the frame to the subject.

Outline: Take four photographs of a clear and accessible subject, using the viewfinder as a frame.

For this exercise, I decided to use my shoes as they were to hand.
The first image was taken with no thought to composition at all.
Just my shoes, on the floor.

1: Standard Framing
Next, I moved in to fit the subject to the frame exactly, taking care to keep the subject within the edges.

2: Tight Framing
To photograph just a part of the subject, I chose to highlight only part of the logo and to focus on the stitching and laces aswell. This portrays the image I get when i think of these shoes.

3: Close Up
Finally, I sat as far back as needed to photograph the subject effectively in the surroundings.

4: Within the surroundings
Compared with the examples given in the exercise outline, the proportions do tend to be similar. I prefer the 'Close Up'  picture as it is more artistic but it is a wonderful exercise to show that a range of images can be created with the simplest of subjects and surroundings using only the frame and your own eye of composition.

I then used picture 4 above to crop the image:

Crop 1

Crop 2


I like the croppings 1 and 2 as it still gives a sense of the surroundings as well, with the subject keeping the focus of your eye. 

Crop 3

Crop 3 is my favourite purely for the simplicity of the image but i find it gives more of an effect with the subject being off centre and cropped to take up most of the image compared to the very first picture of this exercise (picture 1) where there was no composition at all.
Just a pair of shoes, on the floor.

This exercise has expanded my mind in sight of creating a good composition. The viewfinder a huge part of the photography process. It's not just what you look through to take the picture, it's the first step to creating your image. You can always edit pictures, but this exercise has taught me that you can create the image exactly as you desire using the viewfinder as a frame as well. As stated above, I really like picture 3 and before now, i would've probably taken picture 1 and then edited it to create picture 3. But now, I have learned that I can create that picture with the camera alone.

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