Monday 14 February 2011

TAOP Object in different positions in the frame.

Outline: Take as series of photographs in which you place the subject in different positions in the frame.

These images were taken at Llangennith Beach, yet another outing with my boyfriend and our son. As we walked down the beach, we came across a burned out tree trunk and i decided to take a my series of photos around it.

1: Right Central Placement

This is my favourite image. I took this one vertically to give more depth of field and i think this is why i like it best. The horizontal picture (image 2) below is exactly the same scene but the background seems to drown out the main subject (the tree trunk) because it looks so big.  This vertical picture works better for me. I get a huge sense of depth in this image although not enough to take too much focus off the tree trunk.

2: Right Central (horizontal)
This picture is the same as above with the same placement of the tree trunk, however it is a completely different image to image 1 due to being horizontal. My focus is still drawn to the log however I am drawn to the background scene here. I think this is because the background and the subject have equal balance in the image. The image is not of a tree trunk in it's surroundings but of the surroundings with a tree trunk in it.

3:Left Central Placement
This image although similar to image 2 is very different, due to a fraction of a difference in placing the subject. In image 2, the subject is slightly out of frame whereas this image shows the full subject. Also, the direction of the tree trunk makes a huge difference too. In image 2, it's the near side of the subject that's out of the frame and i think this is the point that makes your focus turn to the background. In this image, the near end is not only in frame but also nearer the centre of the image having the opposite effect of image 2. This draws your attention to the tree trunk instead of to the background. Just swapping the subject from left to right of the frame has a significant effect.

4: Centre Placement Bottom of Image
 Image 4 is my least favourite. It's still a lovely picture but i dont connect with the subject in this image. I dont think the background and subject work as well in this image compared to the others because it seems as though the background really drowns the subject out completely. All the other pictures give a good balance between the subject and the surroundings whereas i feel that this image is all about the background and the subject doesn't really fit. I would've thought before now that with a subject centrally placed, the surroundings would frame the subject but in this scenario, the surroundings are the image.

I can see how much of a dramatic change can be created all by how you position your subject. You can draw attention to the surroundings as well as the subject as easily as just photographing the subject itself.

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