Friday 18 February 2011

TAOP Focal lengths and different viewpoints.

Outline: Using a wide angle lens and a telephoto lens, take a photograph at the different viewpoints.

1: Telephoto 155mm

2: Wide angle 18mm
I didn't know what kind of effect to expect while undertaking this exercise and I'm really amazed at the results. Comparing the two images, they are both completely different. Nothing at all like in the previous exercise where the subject just magnifies, changing the viewpoint completely alters the view of the subject.
Image 1 shows the subject as very two - dimensional. You can tell by the shading on the roof and the shape of the railings that this building is circular but you couldn't tell by looking at the building alone. It looks very flat.
By changing to a wide angle lens and moving closer to the subject, the image is now remarkably different. The perspective has altered, so that we now appear to be looking up at the subject. The building now looks circular in itself and we can also tell that the buliding is a lot closer to us than image 1, where it appears to be at a distance.
This exercise has confirmed that by altering the focal length and the viewpoint together, you can give your image a lot more character and a lot more depth.

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