Saturday 5 March 2011

Assignment 1 : CONTRASTS

Outline: Choose 8 pairs of contrasts from the list given and produce photographs that best express these contrasts. Also include one photo which demonstrates contrast in one image.

While preparing for this assignment, I tried to use my initial thought of each contrast for the final image.



I was looking for something curved while out walking as I hadn't thought immediately of anything suitable and came across this fire escape staircase for a hotel. The handrail is a good demonstration of something 'Curved'.

I really like this image of Cardiff Central Railway Station. The straight lines are representing the railway lines, the platforms and the station roofs. The perspective of the platform and the depth of the picture really emphasise the lines.

Amendment: My tutor highlighted that the background of my 'curved' photo was too busy and I could've increased the aperture to create more focus on the handrail itself. Although, having tried different angles of view and different focal lengths, I was unable to create a less busy background. The image below was the best I could come up with.

Also, She advised me that there was distracting shadow in the framing of the 'straight' image and cropping would make a big difference. I have proceeded to crop the image to take out any unnecessary shadows.




 When I first saw 'Rounded', my mind drew a blank as what I could photograph instead of just using a playing ball. Then I noticed these lovely rounded railing tops on a walk along Porthcawl promenade.
This bridge in Swansea is part of the Prom Trail walk. The diagonals in the image are the side panels of the bridge.  

I also liked the irony that both of these images were taken on different promenades.

Amendment: My tutor offered her advise on the above images. The rounded image has a person in frame. If I were to remove that person, the image would look much better.

Also, she stated that the diagonal image had a great background and maybe I could use the diagonals to frame the image and make the diagonals a bit stronger.




This photograph was taken on the beach at Ogmore, which has a rather large bank of pebbles. There are a lot of pebbles in this image alone creating an interesting view of 'Many'.

The remainder of my valentines day flowers. My little girl carried them to show me and I thought they would make a nice contrast to the many, hard pebbles. A few delicate little flowers in delicate little hands. I added a vignette and softened the hands a little bit to draw more attention to the flowers. 



I know everyone knows that feathers are light. But while I was photographing the feather, I couldn't capture the lightness of the subject. I then had the idea of using weighing scales in both the images of light and heavy. I think the addition of the kitchen scales with the feather add to the representation of lightness. The viewer doesn't necessarily have to look at the scales to show the needle doesn't move because they are already aware that the feather is light.

With the contrasting image, I again wanted to incorporate the weighing scales but this time I did the opposite to the feather image and showed the scales as the focus. This was the viewer can see the digital screen showing that the object being weighed is heavy, without actually seeing the full subject.



I'm not sure why, but I thought of a make up advert when I saw liquid and solid. So I followed my train of thought and used the two different forms of foundation for these contrasts. I wanted to use a subject for solid that could change forms and am happy with how these images came out.

Amendment: My tutor felt that the above two images of liquid and solid had something missing, and that maybe the background wasn't crisp and white enough to contrast the make-up. I have retaken the photographs on a different surface and in different lighting.




Immediately when I saw rough I thought of my parents pebble-dashed 
house. I can't count the amount of times I have scratched myself on it. I hope I managed to capture for the viewer, exactly how rough it is.

I don't think that you can get smoother than a baby's skin, and I think the lighting in the smooth image helps to capture the flawless skin.



For this set of images, I wanted to use subjects that could also be the opposite contrast of the contrast I was trying to capture. So for the still image, I used a closed fairground. Fairgrounds are usually buzzing with movement and I thought that by showing the gates closed on the fair with the rides in the background, it represents still excellently.

The same with the water for moving. The image could not have been taken without the water running and the viewer would obviously know that so it makes an unsuspecting movement image. Although, water can also be still being in a glass etc.

Amendment: My tutor felt that the image for 'Still' wasn't as strong as it could be although the idea was good. She advised that making more of a frame of the gates could possibly make the image better overall. However, I have been unable to replicate this image as the funfair is now open.




For the small contrast I used a 5p piece. I decided to include the ruler to add to the representation of 'small'.

The large image was taken at a music festival. The stages are  extremely big and I think this contrast is captured well in this image. The people in front of the stage help to capture the magnitude of how big the stage really is.


For my two contrasts in one image, I decided to use the liquid and solid contrast. With both my images being of foundation make up, I liked how the contrast was of pretty much the same substance but in it's different forms.

Liquid & Solid


Tutor Feedback

Overall Comments
Congratulations on having your photographs used in the magazine, brilliant!

Feedback on assignment

Curved / Straight
Your image for curved works well, it is a well balanced composition and shows curved well, I think that there is perhaps a little too much going on in the image as you can see the building so clearly through the railings. With an image like this it might have been a good idea to consider using a larger aperture and therefore getting shallower depth of field and the viewer being more focussed on the curved rails with the colour and blurred shape of the building as the background. Straight has a strong sense of perspective that works well here and I also like the way that the image is framed with the roof of the platform. The right hand side of the image could do with being cropped out as it doesn't seem like you wanted the shadow in the image and it is distracting. It is always worth looking all the way around the edges of the viewfinder to ensure you haven't included any unnecessary elements. It is as important what you leave out of an image as what you place in.

Rounded / Diagonal
Rounded works really well. I love the strong diagonal line and the colour of the railings. Again there are some people at the top of the image here which are unnecessary, maybe waiting a moment for them to move out of shot or re composing the image would have jst made it that bit better. It is on the main focal point of the image and the intersection of the rule of thirds too so this makes it quite noticeable. Diagonal works quite well, I really like the landscape and trees behind and feel that the diagonals might have been composed better to show the strong diagonals as well as making the most of framing this landscape.

Many / Few
The subtle colours of many look great, as well as the composition which makes you believe the stones could go on for miles outside of this frame of the image. I think that the depth of field that you have used for few works well with the fingertips blurry leading your eye into the image. Also the colour of the petals being echoed in the background works very well here. They do indeed create a nice contrast when viewed together with the colours, the subject matter and the way they have been photographed.

Heavy / Light
The composition of heavy works brilliantly, I like its simplicity and the use of the feet to frame the image. It is a really good example of less is more. I can tell you have thought about what you will do for the light picture as you have echoed colours in the choice of props. The red stands out very well against the grey of the scales and the background focussing your attention on the red feather and the red needle pointing towards it's weight.

Solid / Liquid
These photographs work well as a diptych to show solid and liquid, the colours, subject matter, background and lighting as well as the angle of viewpoint. The images feel like they are missing something for me, maybe it is that the white background is not light enough to be a crisp white contrast to the tones of the makeup.

Rough / Smooth
The use of shallow depth of field has been used to good avail in your image of rough, it is a simple subject so using shallow depth of field has made it a more interesting image. I love the unusual viewpoint for your smooth image, the frame is absolutely full of interest with shapes, focussed parts, blurry parts etc. The lighting does indeed emphasise the softness of skin along with the colours being soft.

Still / Moving
I am unsure about your image for still, I like your experimentation with using foreground detail to frame the background but feel it might be a bit strong here for the balance of it and the subject matter behind, the idea is good, maybe showing a padlock on the gate and making the gate more the subject and the still fair behind as something you notice later might have worked better. I love the textures and lighting in your image for moving and feel it works well to show movement and the different shapes which are created by movement.

Small / Large
I like your super macro shot for small, the diagonal in the composition made by the ruler serves as an aid to a strong composition as well as giving a sense of scale. Large works as an image, again using the people to give a sense of scale to the large staging.

Contrasts in one image
The composition here works well with the two focal points both being placed according to the rule of thirds. The lighting here works well and the viewpoint gives a sense of movement and being slightly dynamic.

Learning logs/critical essays

Your learning log is looking very thorough, keep up the good work!

Suggested reading/viewing 


Tutor name: Celena Beech
Date 19/03/11

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