Friday 11 March 2011

TAOP - Multiple Points.

Outline: Take a series of photographs, each time adding an additional object to create a final grouping. Draw a sketch for the final photograph, highlighting the lines or shapes that relate the objects.

My parents have millions of these little stones in their back garden so I thought I'd see what I could do with them. I started just by placing one randomly on the paving, but wanted to include the volume of stones in the background so place the 'horizon' line just above central and placed the single stone centrally in relation to the paving slab and the bottom of the frame.

I placed the second stone touching the first, to try to keep the point in the same place and not have two seperate points. This keeps the attention to the same place as the first.

Similar idea with the third stone, but now it makes a 'C' shape. It still comes across as one 'point' although now it's larger.

For the fourth picture, I added an extra point. It looks like the fourth stone has been knocked out of the 'circle' .

The fifth stone I placed behind the fourth one to create more of a line and a bigger subject area. I also moved the second stone so it's not overlapping the first stone so we can now see each of the five stones. The grouping now looks like an arrow, pointing to the rest of the stones.

This is the sixth picture. For this one, I placed the sixth stone near the second and fourth stones. I also moved the fifth stone to under the fourth stone to give the grouping more shape. I wanted to avoid having the stones in any kind of straight lines as I wanted the final grouping to appear more random than set up.

I felt that to create the grouping I wanted, I needed to add another stone. So for this final image I placed a stone between stones three and five and slightly overlapping stone 5 to make the grouping seem more natural. It does now appear like a random set of stones and looking at it here, I can also see the letter 'A'.

I wanted to create a random looking group of stones and think my overall choices through the seven photos produced this well.

Looking at the sketch above, I think the relationship between the points are limited to stones 1,2 and 3 as one point and stones 5 and 7 as one point, as well as stones 4 and 6 which individually draw their own attention. The black lines show the relationship between the points. The blue lines show how the grouping looks like the letter 'A' and the red lines show that the overall grouping has a basic triangular shape.

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