Wednesday 17 August 2011

TAOP - Higher and lower sensitivity.

Outline: Take a few similar shots at both higher and normal sensitivity and compare the results.

I took these images on a really overcast and cloudy day at Cardiff Bay.
Here I took the photos with a set aperture of F6.5 and with the white balance set to the daylight setting.

F6.5 1/200 ISO 100 WB Daylight

F6.5 1/1600 ISO 800 Daylight
The obvious change here is that the shutter speed has dramatically increased due to the higher sensitivity in the second image. But at this size, there is no dramatic change to the image.

I then cropped the images to show smooth and dark surfaces in the images and zoomed in to 100% and the results are below;

Here we can see the difference, except for the fact that the second shot is slightly out of focus. The 2nd image is the one set to the higher sensitivity and you can very clearly see the 'noise' in the image. Yes, the higher ISO has slightly lightened the overall image but at the cost of making these darker and smoother areas more grainy.

Conclusion: So, the higher the ISO, the more grain and noise can be seen in the photographs. Which, as shown above, is not a problem as long as the image is kept at a smaller size. Increasing the size of the photograph will increase the amount of noise seen by the viewer .

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