Wednesday 17 August 2011

TAOP - Light throughout the day.

Outline: Take a series of photographs of a landscape at different times of the day from dawn to dusk.

I knew that this was going to be a challenging exercise for me. It sounds really cliche but I really dont have a lot of spare time and really worried about how I was going to fit this into my busy schedule. But although I dont have the best scene, I did complete it.
These images were taken from approximately 9am right through to 9pm when, for once, we had a full sunny day.
AV was set to F10, ISO 200 and WB Daylight.



 These first three morning pictures have a lovely 'orange' glow as the sun is low as it slowly rises. Not many shadows are seen as the sun is behind the camera and putting light onto the scene from the front.


 These early afternoon images are a lot more neutral. The sun is high and the sky is starting to cloud slightly, making the sky appear washed out in the images. With the sun being overhead, again there are not many shadows in the photographs.


 As the sun is starting to set and become lower in the sky behind the scene, the sky is more washed out and the scene starts to shadow over.


 The sun has now lowered enough so that the scene is almost completely shadowed and the detail starts to creep back into the sky.

 The sun has set and all shadow has gone, leaving the scene with a lot more detail and a lovely 'blue' tint.
Conclusion: It is nice to see the results of this exercise all laid out to be able to compare the huge differences in the lighting. I didn't realise at the time that it was as dramatic as it looks here. I really like the early morning images. Lots of colour and light with very few shadows. Although I think my favourite is the photographs taken at 8pm. My favourite time of year is the summer evening when everything seems to have that orange glow as the sun sets and I think that image shows it well.

As a final inclusion, I took this image at around the 8pm mark too. You cant see it in the original line up due to the sun being pretty much in the frame and washing the sky out, but the sunset looked so lovely. I lowered the exposure by 1 f-stop and took this image to highlight how pretty the sky looked.

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