Wednesday 17 August 2011

TAOP - Variety with a low sun.

Outline: Choose any subject and take photographs when the sun is low. Produce four photographs which use:
  • Frontal lighting
  • Side lighting
  • Back lighting
  • Edge lighting
I completed this exercise on one day (except for the edge lighting).

Back Lighting:

The sun is out of shot here and think had this been with a better backdrop, this could've shown great edge lighting. I had to increase the exposure by 1/3 of an F-stop to still get some detail and colour in the forground of the image.

On the same evening as the previous image, this was the street I was on with the sun shining head onto this row of houses.

This image was from my photo library. It was taken at a festival this summer and even though it's not a great set up for edge lighting, I noticed that there is slight edge lighting on the people in the forefront of the image with the shaded background behind.

Again, this image was taken the same evening as the first two images. A lovely shot of porthcawl lighthouse, taken with my new 400mm telephoto lens. The sun is off to the right out of shot and shining light onto the right side of the lighthouse. The shadow then falls off to the left, including the shadow from the pier falling over the steps to the left of the image. I increased the exposure by 1/3 of an F-stop to still get the detailing of the steps in the image.

Conclusion: This exercise was really fun to complete. I would like to be able to do a similar exercise at a later date when I can venture out when the sun is even lower than it was in this exercise and perhaps capture some other sunset ones too.
This is another photograph from my photo library. It shows backlighting brilliantly but on a landscape. It was taken on my old Sony Ericsson camera phone on the black and white setting.

I think the black and white setting has made this image a lot more spectacular than the original would've been. 

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