Friday 9 September 2011

TAOP - Juxtaposition.

Outline: Choose a still life approach or a larger scale shot which involves choosing viewpoint and lens focal length. If the former, make a suitable cover illustration using two or three relevant elements. If the latter, photograph someone with a possession, or the results of their work or hobby.

I have chosen to photograph someone with a possession. My friend has been learning the guitar for a while and I wanted to try to capture in a photograph him learning to play.

18mm F5.7 0"2 ISO 400 WB Auto

This was the final image after much trial and error. I used a 18 - 55mm lens and experimented with viewpoints and focal lengths before settling on the above. I used the tab book to enhance the fact he was learning to play but the writing on the front shows it is exactly that, teaching him to 'play it like it is'. I also edited it into black and white and kept the colour on the writing to effectively make this obvious point. I wanted this writing to be the main focus but then have my friend playing the guitar in the background.

Conclusion: I really enjoyed this exercise. It was great to try and create the image that I originally saw in my head. It was definitely trial and error with the focal length and viewpoint though. I started trying to photograph from directly infront but couldn't get the angle right to be able to see the writing on the book and the guitar in the background. The same happened when the focal length was too close, the writing was seen clearly but the background detail was compromised. I had to take the shot with the book at an angle and position the camera below so I was looking up at the subject so as to still get all the parts of the composition in the frame.

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