Saturday 12 February 2011

TAOP Focus with a set aperture.

Outline: Using a scene with depth, stand at an acute angle to the subject and take two or three pictures, each time focusing on something at a different distance.

I took three pictures of the railings outside:

Picture 1

Picture 2

Picture 3

Looking at the above pictures that were produced in this exercise, I think i prefer Picture 2, where the focus is towards the centre of the picture. It's a close choice though as i also find picture 1 interesting. I prefer both of these over picture 3 because in the last picture the focus is too far in the distance. I tend to expect the bigger parts of the subject to be easily noticeable and also, the background seems to be more in focus in this picture.
I prefer picture 2 over picture 1 purely because i feel the picture is better balanced. Picture 1 has the focus off to the left hand side whereas picture 2 shows the focus more centered, with the focus immediately drawing your attention to the centre of the page and therefore, highlighting the overall subject.

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