Friday 18 February 2011

TAOP A sequence of composition.

Outline: To create a series of images with several subjects to arrive at a final composition. 

I decided to go out and about in the city of Cardiff to attempt this exercise. I was slightly disappointed with the weather considering yesterday was such a lovely day, but this is Wales after all. I wanted to photograph the people and places of the city, for anyone who sees the images to get a taste of what you can expect from the city centre. I started at Cardiff Bay and made my way into the centre and produced the following images:

Image 1 - Cardiff Bay

Image 2 - Film Crew

Image 3 - Photographing the Castle

Image 4 - Tourists

Image 5 - Solitary Stroll

Image 6 - Skateboarders

Image 7 - Memorial Wall

Image 8 - Advertising

Image 9 - Lonely Shopper

Image 10 - Outside Waiting

Image 11 - Street Dancing

Image 12 - Field Trip

Image 13 - Music

Image 14 - Violinist

Image 15 - Worker

Image 16 - Cyclist on phone

Image 17 - Cold Coffee

Image 18 - Big Issue

Image 19 - Friendship

Image 20 - Cardiff Castle

Image 21 - Flags

Image 22 - Shoppers

Image 23 - Daffodil

In this series of images, I've tried to capture some of the essence of Cardiff, from the people to the sights. You will see a lot of people in the city centre, each going about their daily business as they please. From the pictures above you can see the range of people you will come across; the workers, the tourists, the shoppers.
From all the images I took, Image 22 is pretty much the main image you will have when walking around Cardiff Centre. People in their masses. Although I have documented that there are many workers, tourists and shoppers, they all just blend in to the same sea of people and when visiting the city, you wouldn't normally take the time to differentiate between them. Having said that, isn't every city the same? Image 22 could just as easily been taken in Manchester or London. It's the landmarks of those cities that help to document the location. And this is why is included pictures of the sights too.

My favourite picture of them all has got to be Image 19. I love how the feeling of friendship comes through the image, with the girls huddled close together under the one umbrella ready to take on the city in the rain. I would've liked one of the street flags to have been seen in this picture as well to clarify the setting (as in image 21) and to link it to the exercise but even without it, it's my favourite image of the day. I have edited it below to my personal taste.

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