Thursday 17 March 2011

Published Photos!

Wow! Great day for me.
I recently sent some photographs to a local free magazine that gets distributed to houses in the borough. I received an email from the designer stating that not only were they going to use one of my photos, they were also using it as the cover picture! Yay me!
He has emailed me the link today for the online version, which has my image (and name) displayed oh so proudly on the front cover. It also has four other photos in the magazine under 'Readers Photos', although there is only one photo by someone else and my four.
I'm so happy. I would post the link but I'm not sure how long they keep it up for. However, I will post the website link in the side bar.

The magazine is back from the printers in a few weeks and I am being sent some copies so I will scan them in and add the images when I get them.


Edit: Just to let you know that website now has my cover photo on this months magazine. I've had the printed copies and will scan them in asap so that they can remain on here after April.

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