Monday 25 April 2011

TAOP Real and implied triangles.

Outline:  Produce two sets of triangular compositons in photographs, one using 'real' triangles, the other making 'implied' triangles.


Thinking of an actual triangle, I first thought of road signs and this one happens to be on the road behind my house.

I took this photo of my childrens play house, looking up at the subject to create a triangle by perspective converging towards the top of the frame.

This picture is of my daughters toy house. I stood over it and captured the image looking down to create a triangle by perspective converging towards the bottom of the frame.


I arranged a group of objects to create a triangle with the the apex at the top of the image.

Then I created a similar arrangement, using objects that were to hand thanks to my little girl, with the apex at the bottom of the frame.

This is a picture of my friends and I. The way we are  postioned in the picture shows how our faces make a triangle shape.

Triangles can be created in photographs in a variety of ways. This exercise has highlighted this fact, showing the difference between real and implied triangles.

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