Saturday 23 April 2011

TAOP Rhythms and patterns.

Outline: Produce two photographs. One should convey rhythm and the other should convey pattern.

This is my photograph conveying rhythm. It is a slanting roof and the rhythm is created with the way the slates are laid.

This is my photograph conveying pattern. It is a collection of balls in a paddling pool. I used black and white for this photograph to draw more attention to the balls themselves. With them being a variety of colours, it focussed more on the colour than the balls. I tried to frame them to show no boundaries to the pattern, leading the viewer to believe this is just a small section of a very large ballpool.

I have learned here the importance of framing the subject correctly to emphasise your subject. If I had used a wider lens for the rhythm photograph, the viewer would've seen the house in the picture and the sense of rhythm would've been interrupted.

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