Tuesday 31 May 2011

TAOP Control the strength of color.

Outline: Photograph a strong block of colour, starting at the cameras average exposure setting and then take a sequence of photographs, all the same composition but diffentel exposed from light to dark.

So, my block of colour is actually a towel currently drying in my kitchen. My Average camera setting was 1/6 F5.6. When adjusting my settings manually, the aperture wouldn't go any lower than 5.6 so I started the exercise at those settings.

1/6 F5.6
1/6 F7.1

1/6 F11
1/6 F14

1/6 F22
1/6 F29

Conclusion: So, keeping the shutter speed the same and decreasing the aperture size can adjust the brightness to create a range of shades of the same colour.

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