Thursday 2 June 2011

TAOP Primary and secondary colours.

Outline: Find scenes or parts of scenes dominated by each of the primary and secondary colours. Take 3 photographs of each scene, one at the cameras manual setting, one half a stop darker and one half a stop brighter to produce the six colours closely.

I decided to photograph things I see going about my everyday business, so here we have a mixture of man-made decorative surfaces and also natural colours. My shutter speed was 1/125 and my range of aperture was F5.6, F7 and F9. I have picked the picture that is the closest match to include here.

1/125 F7

1/125 F5.6

1/125 F9

1/125 F9

1/125 F5.6

1/125 F9
Continuing with the previous exercise, this shows that using the difference in aperture can strongly alter the colour that appears in your photographs.

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