Monday 27 June 2011

ASSIGNMENT 3 : Colour.

Outline: Create 16 photographs, four for each of the colour relationships.

Tutor Feedback: I will make notes throughout to state the feedback from my tutor, with any amendments I have made.

Colour harmony through complimentary colours.

This first image was taken at a country park. The red leaves of the small tree really stood out against the backdrop of greenery.

 I really like the vibrance of the red flowers against the green stems.  The colours really do compliment each other well.

This third image was taken on holiday in Ibiza. The spanish must really like this colour combination as these groups of flowers were everywhere. Although the red and purple are similar colours, they are complimented by the green trees in the background as well as the yellowish hotel to the right of the image.
My tutor felt that this image was too busy. I found an alternative image, taken at the same time, and have cropped it slightly to focus more in the flowers and colours. However, there is still some detail in the background that I would rather wasnt there.


This final image was taken in the garden. A nice bright rose complimented by the deep green of the rose bush leaves in the background.

Colour harmony through similar colours.

This pack of balloons against the black background really do show brightness and harmony well.

A hose pipe reel in the garden. The yellow and green do blend very well together against the flooring in the background of the image.

This photograph is of mine and my friends cars, taken at an abstract angle. I'm rather fond of this image. I like the the brightness of the purple and the darkness of the red, even though the red looks a darker shade here than it actually is. You would normally expect the purple to appear darker and the red to be vibrant and I think this is why this image appeals to me.

This photograph was taken on holiday in Spain. The beautiful red, orange, purple and blue colours of the sunset work well to create a soft harmony and relaxing atmosphere.

Colour contrast through contrasting colours.

Taken in my garden when we did actually have some sun, this is what i could see as i looked up to the sky. The bright red of the parasol and the dark leave of the palm tree against the deep blue sky. I really like red and blue together anyway but I do think the tones of the colours work well in this image.

These are bushes planted at a local country park. The purple is very dark against the greenery with the orange being very bright. I think the tones of these colours against the dark green makes a well balanced photograph.
My tutor felt that this image could've been better if I had gone in a bit closer as the colours are so vibrant for nature.

This was taken in the gardens of a nearby stately home. The orange of the plant pots and the green of the shrubs show colour contrast well.

Here's a photograph that I set up using smarties and a black plate. I have previously stated that I like red and blue together and I think this photograph shows that contrasting colours can work well together, given the right background and lighting.

Colour accent using any of the above.

This is a photograph of the sun setting. I enhanced the colour slightly but loved how the small orange of the sun sits in the vast blue sky. This shows colour accent with complimentary colours.

I have tried again to find natural colours and this flower shows colour accent with contrasting colours well, with the small red stripes on the bright yellow flower.

This was taken in the garden at the beginning of summer. This shows colour accent with contrasting colours, with a lone purple flower against the green of the plant.
My tutor felt that this image is slightly unbalanced and should maybe have had another flower the other side to even the composition out.

And finally, this little boy in blue clothing sitting playing on the big green lawn is another fine example of colour accent with similar colours.  
My tutor though that this image works well to highlight colour accent but again, to contribute to the composition, the child could've been moving into the space.



Tutor Feedback

Overall Comments

Thank you for sending me your link to assignment 4.

Feedback on assignment

Complementary Colours
I like this quite muted observation of complementary colours. I also like the fact that as well as this colour contrast shown here there is a real sense of a scale contrast with the big green tree dwarfing this small delicate looking red tree.
The colours in the tulip tree are very vibrant, I think the composition works well as the frame is filled with the two tone colours of these flowers.
I am unsure about the third image as there seems to be a lot included in the image which is not needed and distracts from the colour combinations which are the subject of this image.
The rose again fills the frame and I like the way that you have balanced the composition with these two focal points.

Similar Colours
I really like the idea of this Image and the fact that you have really gone macro to show the colours of these balloons. The left heavy composition is balanced well by the blue balloon being placed so that it goes over to the right. 
The yellow and green of this hosepipe show similar colours well. The composition works well as it only shows part of the hosepipe but enough for your mind to fill the rest in and know what it is. 
I like your viewpoint for the car shot, it is a bit different. The colours are well balanced in the image also.
The last image for similar colours shows a very harmonious image. I like the trees leading your eye into the image and giving a sense of perspective.

Contrasting Colours
The tones do work well in your first image. I like the viewpoint and the tight framing. Also the placement of the tree and the umbrella to get a balanced composition with two focal points.
The colours of these plants are quite vibrant for nature. I think going in a little closer may improve the image.
I really like this image, it has an aged quality due to the subject matter, the lighting works well and it has a lovely Mediterranean feel to the colours and the light. The Implied diagonal line leads your eye into the image very well.
The contrasting colours here have been set up by you as a still life against the dark background. I really like the simplicity of this photograph, the reflections work well to ground the smarties against the black plate.

Colour Accent
This image is great, the colours are so varied for a sunset image and it is a nice and simple composition. I really like this image.
The red in this yellow tulip is a good colour accent, I like the viewpoint, looking down the flower. I also like the sharpness on the petals which look torn, gradually blurring out as you get further down the flower.
The purple flower feels like it needs something the opposite side to balance the composition. Maybe another flower?
I like the child image, although a similar composition this one works better as you can imagine the child moving into this space. 

Learning logs/critical essays

Did you Look at the work of John Blakemore? Again your log shows your exercises and thoughts on these but would be good to see reflections on photographers work you have looked at and exhibitions you have seen.

Suggested reading/viewing 

Good colour photographers to look at are Misrach and Meyerowitz.


Tutor name: Celena Beech
Date 29.6.11

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