Sunday 5 June 2011

TAOP Colour relationships.

Outline: Part 1 is to produce a photograph for each combination of primary and secondary colours:
Red:Green        1:1
Orange:Blue    1:2
Yellow:Violet   1:3
The second part of the exercise is to produce three images featuring a personally appealing colour relationship. 

Part 1:

This exercise I found particulary time consuming. In the end, I settled (again) for a mixture of decorative surfaces as well as natural colours.

Parked car
I chose a close shooting distance for this shot with an 55mm focal length and still cropped this image to create a better 1:1 balance.

Again, this photograph was taken at close range to frame the subject better and with a 55mm focal length. I cropped the image slightly as i thought the original had a little too much orange.


I was careful to frame this shot correctly. Using 1/4 of the frame for the yellow flower, while the other 3/4's were taken up with the purple flowers.

Part two:

Colour combinations that appeal to me. Well, I like the combination of green and yellow,sometimes with orange aswell. These are all similar colours and always make me think of 'citrus' colours.

Similar Colours

I also really like the combination of Orange and Purple. These are contrasting colours and definitely have a strong contrast but I think it works well in the image below. The brightness of the orange works well with the darkness of the purple.

Contrasting Colours

I also really like Red and Blue together. Again, these are contrasting colours and again, I think they can work well together depending on the shade of the colours.

Contrasting Colours

Conclusion: I have discovered through this exercise that I am more partial to contrasting colours, but then I always have been a little different. I found it more difficult to find natural colour combinations for this exercise than I thought I would, seems as it's the start of summer. But I've learned that colours can 'work', even if they are not harmonious and complimentary.

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